That's a great question! And different people have different answers!
We will be using this space on our website to share the stories of faith journeys of the people of St. Kilian's as they find the right fit in ministry life. These stories will also appear in the bulletin, and we'll add to them on a regular basis. If you want to share with us why YOU volunteer, please call Jane Zollo at the rectory at (516) 249-0127.
Why Do I Volunteer? by Jack Gaglione
The idea of volunteering had never really appealed to me, but after seeing many requests for various church needs, I felt a little guilty. I knew I had the time, but needed to figure out how to serve the Church.
A few years back, there were people outside the church on the grass with tables set up for the various areas where help was needed. When I looked around, it seemed like being an usher would be something nice and would ensure that I got up each Sunday morning for Mass. So, I started immediately afterwards. I am now in my fourth year and I truly love it. Working together with my fellow ushers and greeting parishioners with a smile as they enter Mass each Sunday is very rewarding.
Recently, after having read for at least two months that a van driver was needed to help bring people to doctors’ appointments and stores, I again felt the need to offer whatever I could. This too is very rewarding. The two months that I have been doing this have been even more gratifying than I could have imagined. The people in need of this service are so unbelievably wonderful and you just can feel their kindness when the trip has concluded.
Lastly, what I have found most rewarding is the “friendly visitor” program that the parish offers. What a wonderful thing this is! I have been visiting an elderly gentleman for over four years now and I can’t tell you how much I love it. He is so kind and gentle and we enjoy our weekly hourly visit. I always bring him his favorite, a “Dunkin” coffee. He really enjoys that. He has taught me the true meaning of being humble. This man can’t get out of bed and needs help with basic life functions, yet I’ve never heard him utter a word of complaint. His faith in our Lord never waivers and he has taught me the true meaning of faith. How fortunate I am to have met this wonderful man and his family! I look forward to our Monday meetings so much.
I think any of us can be truly rewarded by giving any time they can spare to help our church and to assist the pastor, other priests, and the wonderful people who make St. Kilian’s run so smoothly.
I urge our parishioners to consider helping in any way they can. I believe we can all make a difference and the joy that it brings will be worth the sacrifice.
I like to remember what Jesus sacrificed for me, my family, and for all mankind. Our parish needs our help and I am more than happy to do my share.
Why do I volunteer…?
By Maryellen Gruszka
When I was asked to write up a paragraph or two for the bulletin, I thought long and hard about my answer. I wrote down lists of reasons. It has to be deep, enlightening, profound, right? I kept coming back to the same simple answer. Volunteering just makes me feel good. I enjoy helping others.
My family (Frank my husband and our two teenage daughters) have been parishioners for nearly 20 years. Our daughters have been baptized, received their first penance and first Holy Communion, confirmed at St. Kilian’s. We all think of St Kilian’s Parish as our home.
I became an EM 4 ½ years ago. I also became a catechist 4 years ago – 2nd grade. My youngest daughter has been an altar server for 5 years. And both my daughters have helped me over the years with teaching the 2nd graders about Jesus.
Growing up my parents instilled in me the importance of helping out and sharing especially through their actions. They were both EM’s and my mother was also a catechist. It’s important for me to make it a family affair and get my kids involved with volunteering . Now they think it’s something that looks good on a college application or a job application, but it’s so much more. The return is endless. Not only are we spending time together and sharing our faith in God and love for one another, but we are helping those who really need it.
Deacon Bill had a great message in his homily not too long ago - “The gifts God has given you are meant to be shared.” That is what volunteering is all about.
Read the story of Jim McCloskey, below:
Why Do I Volunteer?
Who really cares? Why bother? What’s in it for me?
When invited to volunteer many people just can’t muster the strength to say yes. The invitation falls on deaf ears. Things stand in the way, too busy, lack of time, lack of energy, or what am I going to get out of it?
Volunteering takes us out of our comfort zone. It would be much easier to turn down the invitation and go about our lives doing our own will and let others carry the burden. But think about how boring that can be. When we accept the will of God we are going to be surprised, it’s not going to be the way we think it will be. It’s an adventure which will probably change your life.
Our Church was founded by volunteers. Jesus, Mary and Joseph were all asked to volunteer. They had the opportunity to turn down the invitation but decided to say yes. Mary said yes to the Annunciation, without which our Church would not exist. Can you imagine how terrified she must have been when visited by the Angel Gabriel? Joseph agreed to his role as protector of Jesus and Mary and did it without question. He could have said I’m not interested and things would have been much different for him and for us.
And of course, Jesus accepted His role with full knowledge that it wasn’t going to be an easy path. He too had the opportunity to back out on several occasions, but with intense prayer with His Father was able to stay the course and accomplish the will of His Father.
They knew from the very beginning that their lives would be difficult. They knew that their lives weren’t about themselves but what God wanted them to do.
Volunteering on all levels is important. Helping one another is the will of the Father. The more you give the more you will receive. Currently we need religious education teachers. This is my fifth-year teaching and it’s probably the most important thing I have ever done. I remember my first day looking at a class of second graders getting ready for their first Holy Communion and thinking what have I gotten myself into?
I realize many Catholics have fallen away from the Church. Probably more from apathy or poor faith formation than anything else. I’ve heard comments like, “I stopped believing that in the third grade” or “I didn’t drink the Kool-aide” from confirmed Catholics. I had the benefit of twelve years of Catholic education. Today most Catholics only have a few hours a year for a few years and are expected to carry on the Faith. It’s a difficult situation at best. It can only be resolved with a good foundation. We can provide the start of that foundation, it just takes time. Your time. Don’t be afraid to get involved. As Pope Francis said on many occasion “be courageous”.
The road to Heaven maybe uneven, slightly uphill and leads through a narrow gate. However, the other road is paved with good intentions, very wide, easily traveled with many distractions and leads to a dead end. To quote Robert Frost “Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference”
Which road are you on? Jim McCloskey
Why Do I Volunteer?
By Brianna McNulty
My name is Brianna McNulty. I have been a parishioner here all my life and received all of my sacraments here. Going to the same mass every week and seeing familiar faces makes this church feel like home and I love to spend time helping out where I can. As I’m graduating from undergrad at Molloy College and applying to graduate school, spare time is a rarity for me, but I feel that the time I have is best spent planning and running events for the children of this parish.
I was blessed to have opportunities of involvement here as a child through the Christmas pageant, children’s choir, Easter egg hunt, lectoring, and more. My experiences in these events shaped me into who I am today. Lectoring and singing in the children’s choir gave me the confidence to make myself heard. I loved dressing in all white and being an angel in the Christmas pageant and searching for the eggs that the Easter bunny had left for us during mass on Easter Sunday!
I looked forward to these events every year as a child and it makes me so happy that I have been able to help make these events possible for the children of the parish now too.
I hope that they have the same positive experience being involved in the Church as I had and that it can inspire them to continue their involvement in the Church into and throughout their adulthood.