"As each of you has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." 1 Peter 4:10
Can I become more involved in my parish and/or my community? How would I start? Do I dedicate time to our Lord by worshipping Him and being grateful for what he has given me? Do I keep my God-given gifts to myself or do I use them willingly to help others in need?
We can all reflect on these questions and answer them honestly. Many of us are stretched in every which way, yet we can ask ourselves if we are truly making room for our Lord and doing what we can to make a difference in people's lives! You are probably doing it already but don't recognize it as such. Share your gifts and reap the rewards as you go!
If you would like to learn more about how you can discover and share your God-given gifts, please feel free to contact the Stewardship Committee at the Rectory (516) 249-0127 and ask for Jane Zollo, stewardship director, or email: JaneZ@stkilian.com. We look forward to helping you discover ways you can share your unique gifts of time and talent here at St. Kilian Parish!
God Bless You!
St. Kilian Stewardship Committee
"Let's make Stewardship the thread that is woven into the fabric of parish life here at St. Kilian."