Religious Education
Our parish catechists (teachers) share their faith with our children and exemplify Jesus’ command to love and to serve one another!
Teaching a child about the faith is an awesome responsibility and takes may people working to gether. As parents, you are the first teachers of your child and the most important ones! At an early age your child learned intuitively about God, by watching you pray and go to Mass. Your children have learned about love and forgiveness by experiencing it from you. These early encouters with faith in the home and family provide them with the means to learn about God.
In our Faith, we are also called to be a community which provides the nurturing environment, support and opportunity to become CHURCH! Christ’s Body on Earth!
We have carefeully planned our Faith Formation Program to include children, parents and all family members.
We extend our teaching moments through parent meetings on grade levels and family participation at Sunday Family Mass.
Our Faith Formation Program begins in 1st Grade or (level 1) and extends through reception of the sacrament of Confirmation in the Fall of Grade 8 (level 8). Children must attend all levels in preparation for sacraments. For example: for reception of 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion children and families must complete both level 1 and level 2 (Grades 1 and 2). In preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation students must have completed all levels 1 through 8 (Grades 1 through 8).
In our mobile society we know there are children who may have missed levels and so we provide catch-up classes to bring them up to their level and to prepare them for any sacraments they might have missed.
Adult Sacramental Preparation
Our office also provides preparation for sacraments Baptized Catholic adults who might have missed receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation.
The Faith Formation Office works with other parish staff and adult catechists to prepare unbaptized adults seeking Baptism or those Baptized into other Christian Faiths seeking to enter the Catholic Faith. Please call the Faith Formation Office for more information.
If you have any questions about the Catholic Faith or about how the Religious Education Department helps parents and grandparents raise their children in the Catholic Faith,
please let us know!
We are here to help and support you!
We are here to help you form in faith the precious children
God has given to you!
We are here to serve God’s people in the parish of St. Kilian!
We are here to teach as Jesus did, with love, with kindness and with compassion for each unique and beautiful person given to our care!
For all other Religious Education information, please call the office at