St. Kilian – Renovation & Renewal Capital Campaign “Firm Our Foundation for the Future” Questions and Answers
Q: Why do we need to do work to the Parish Buildings and Grounds? A: Our Church, Rectory, School and Auditorium have served us well and continue to meet the needs of our large and active parish. However, like many homes, our buildings are aging and in need of serious repairs. We need to improve handicapped accessibility, address deteriorating conditions and increase efficiency to help lower operating costs. The results of the recent Feasibility study overwhelmingly supported the proposed projects.
Q: Why do we need to conduct a Capital Campaign? A: The money received in the weekly offertory is used for the normal operating expenses of the parish, including salaries, utilities and funding of different groups and ministries. The capital campaign will provide the necessary funds that are needed to complete the proposed work without putting the parish in debt or depleting our limited reserves.
Q: What is the priority order of the individual projects? A: The first priority is to take care of projects outlined in Phase I which includes replacing the leaking roof, repairing and repointing damaged bricks and replacing the original windows in the Rectory. After that we will install a new elevator in the Church, repair cracked and broken sidewalks and provide funding for the “New Evangelization Program”. Phases II and III will follow and are all outlined in detail in the brochure.
Q: What is the projected cost and how will it be funded? A: The cost of the Renovation and Renewal effort totals $3.5 million and will be funded 60% or $2.0 million from the rental income from the School and 40% or $1.5 million from the Capital Campaign. Built in to these figures is a 10% contingency for any unforeseen expense.
Q: When will the work begin? A: The timeline is to complete the projects in three phases as described in the brochure--from the Fall of 2019 thru the Fall of 2024.
Q: Why am I being asked to pledge rather than pay cash? A: Pledging permits making larger gifts by spreading out the payments over a four to five year period. Payments can be made monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. We appreciate onetime cash gifts and consideration of a 10% (or more) down payment on your pledge to help us with paying for these projects sooner.
Q: Is a down payment necessary to begin my pledge? A: No. You can simply complete the pledge envelope without a down payment and incorporate the entire amount of the pledge into future payments.
Q: Can I pay more than a 10% down payment? A: Yes. You can pay more than 10%.
Q: I am leaving the Church in my will, isn’t that enough? A: While we are happy that you have generously planned to remember the parish in your will, please keep in mind that this campaign addresses our most pressing needs.
Q: Can I pay with my credit card or debit card? A: Yes. You will be able to use “We Share” to pay your pledge. Indicate your interest in paying by credit or debit card by checking the box on the pledge envelope and we will send you an enrollment form. You can also go to the parishes website at and click on the “Giving” link and follow the prompts for giving to the Capital Campaign.
Q: Is my pledge tax deductible? Are gifts other than cash acceptable? A: All payments on a pledge are tax deductible to the full extent provided by law in each year of your pledge payment period. Funding your pledge with appreciated Stock, IRA disbursements or Mutual funds may provide additional tax benefits to you.
Q: Can we use local contractors for any of the work? A: Yes and we hope to. Each project will be put out to bid and our hope is to obtain the best price and quality of work. Local companies will be part of this process.
Q: Can we direct that our donation be used for a specific project? A: If you wish you may designate your gift be used to fund one of the specific projects or Phases, simply mark your intention on the pledge envelope and this will be honored.
Q: Will there be memorials and how will gifts be recognized? A: The brochure details the gift plan memorials. All Memorial level gifts will be recognized on a new memorial plaque to displayed in the Church.