Office 516.694.0633
Fax 516.454.8612
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 9am-3pm
Monday & Thursday to 7pm when in session
Saturday 9am-10:30am when in session
Confirmation is a Catholic Sacrament of mature Christian commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts. It is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation for Catholics. It is most often associated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is "sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ.
Confirmation requires all Faith Formation years through level 6. Confirmation preparation begins in level 6 and continues through level 7. It culminates during level 8 in special events leading to Confirmation.
Other requirements by level may include, but are not limited to, classroom instruction, projects, essays, testing, retreat day, and regular weekend Mass attendance.
Confirmation fee is $150. Click here to make payment.
Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday, October 26 at 12 noon and 2:30 pm (2 ceremonies). The Most Reverend Andrzej Zglejszewski, Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of Rockville Center, Episcopal Vicar for the Western Vicariate will preside.